Everyone knows that the best time to solve a problem is before you actually have a problem!
Unfortunately, in this age of shrinking budgets and expedited schedules the review of building plans for acoustical issue sometimes is neglected.
The ensuing results are entirely predictable:
- Acoustical performance goals go undefined and/or unmet
- Client (or building ownership complains)
- Costly rework is required (to fix issues that should never have happened)
- Liquidated damages compound (when spaces are not occupied on time)
Even a cursory review (from the perspective of acoustical security and sound transmission) can often disclose critical errors and omissions in building plans.
Between building partition types that are unfit for purpose (especially for SCIF and SAPF secure areas), substandard materials (ask us about door manufacturers), insufficient attention to structure borne noise transmission considerations, and HVAC system room interconnections, there are many easily avoidable pitfalls that can stall a project and drastically affect profitability.
On-Site Acoustic Testing has the ability to model in software the expected airborne (STC/NIC) and structure born (IIC) performance of building elements, along with a deep understanding of building materials, combined with a common sense approach to HVAC systems that has been proven to save time and money on many projects.
To discuss your project with us, simply fill out the convenient form below:
Or speak with one of our experts at 1-800-665-0080